Saturday, January 21, 2012

About me

On the left is a picture of me which I had not uploaded recently.

I have a great many likings outside of academics, like football. I am a staunch supporter of Liverpool FC and have sticked with the club through the last few years which have been very difficult for Liverpool.

I also am a big fan of Eminem. His rapping is very personal and down-to-earth, and his courage in becoming one of the first white rappers is rather commendable. I also enjoy listening to music by Pitbull, Taylor Swift, JLS and One Direction.

My hobbies and likings are very important to me as they are a great way for me to destress after school, as school can be extremely stressful with great amounts of homework "thrown" at us daily. While it would be nice to have less work, I understand that this is for our own good as it allows us to do better in the examinations and thus have more chance of being successful.

I am aiming form a MSG (Mean Subject Grade) of 1.5, which is not easy to achieve. However, I will definitely do my best so as to be able to achieve this target.

1 comment:

  1. Go Shaun! AWESOME blog dude! add a gadget that shows how many people visited your blog. I can help with the increase. :)
